Co-Sponsored CE Program Information & ApplicationThank you for your interest in continuing education for psychologists!
If you have programs you would like us to consider for CE approval, you will need to complete an online application and provide the required information and fees before we can approve your program. We will make every effort to approve your application as quickly as possible, but it may take up to 1-2 weeks for final approval. Please consider this approval timeframe in relation to the timing of your program when you submit your application. Compile all information documents (CV, speaker biography, head shot, program schedule, evaluation etc.) prior to starting the online application and payment form. IMPORTANT: Before we start promoting a program, we need to have the required information sent to us and approved. This way, we don't have to cancel a program for not having a piece of that information (for example, a post-test). If we don't have the information in enough time to promote a program, a minimum of 6-8 weeks in advance, we will not host the program. CPA is responsible to the APA for all programs and content we co-sponsor, so it's important for us to make sure each program meets all of the APA requirements and that we collect all needed material to be submitted to the APA. During the approval process, we may need to ask you for additional information or to make changes to your submission before it can be approved. If your program is for homestudy (pre-recorded with no audience participation), please click here for more information. Before you access the online application, please review the following important documents linked below:
START ONLINE APPLICATIONFeesApplications will not be processed until application fee is received. Eligibility to apply criteria will be evaluated as part of your application form. The application fee is based on the number of contact hours requested for review and administrative fees. CE Application Fees are $100 per CE credit (if applying for over 8 CE credits, please notify CPA office first before completing the online application form).
Application fees can be submitted to CPA in the online form by credit card, or you may choose to pay by check. APA Requirements: Marketing Your EventSponsors must clearly indicate how potential participants may obtain the following information prior to enrolling in a CE program:
Sponsors must make clearly evident to all potential participants, prior to registration, any known commercial support for CE programs or instructors. Include the APA CE brand block on your marketing materials:
Sample Promotional EmailSample Promotional Flyer |