Committees:Volunteer to Serve on a CPA Committee Here The primary purpose of the communication committee is for facilitating, monitoring, and enhancing communication amongst the CPA board of directors and executive team, CPA committees and task forces, CPA liaisons, CPA divisions, and CPA members. Communication Committee is responsible for overseeing and monitoring CPA (including ECP) listserv, website, e-news, social media and our membership publication, The Colorado Psychologist. Information shared via these avenues include topics relevant to professional issues and resources (i.e. professional trainings, summaries/guidelines around legislation which impacts psychologists) and association business (including, but not limited to: proposals for bylaws changes, board minutes) and member news. This also includes publicizing member accomplishments, sharing opportunities for professional growth, and sharing informal occasions for members to gather, network and socialize. Disaster Resource Network (DRN) Committee Chair: Heidi Ardern, PhD
The Disaster Resource Network (DRN) committee is comprised of psychologists with an interest in being trained to respond to the mental health needs of community members post-disaster. Disasters may include home fires, natural disasters (e.g., wildfires, hurricanes, or tornadoes), mass violence events (e.g., mass shootings), large-scale accidents (e.g., multi-car or airplane accidents), and more. Psychologists who wish to respond and offer expertise post-disaster may actually end up being liabilities without appropriate training and without affiliation with a responding organization.
Early-Career Psychologist (ECP) Chair: Marisa Kostiuk, PhD
The mission of the Colorado Psychological Association’s Early-Career Psychologist Committee is to represent the interests of CPA’s ECPs in Colorado, provide opportunities for training and education, build social connections and professional networks, strengthen and encourage bidirectional mentoring, and assist in the recruitment, retention and involvement in CPA. Background: An early career psychologist (ECP) is a person that has received his/her doctoral degree within the last five years. ECPs represent a unique constituency in that they are transitioning from student to professional and often have needs that are different from the average association member (i.e., networking, managing debt load, starting a private practice).
Ethics Committee Chair: Alyssa Oland, PhD
The CPA Ethics Committee is composed of nine CPA member volunteers, all of whom have been licensed and practicing psychology for at least five years. The committee also includes an attorney consultant. The primary purpose of the Ethics Committee is to promote psychologists’ ethical conduct by providing consultation and education regarding the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010) as well as providing external referrals for legal consultation as indicated. Consultation occurs primarily via responding to telephone inquiries received by the on-call committee member through the CPA ethics consultation service.The committee also writes articles on ethics for CPA publications and facilitates educational programs. Ethics Committee members serve four-year terms and members can self-nominate to continue for an additional term. The Committee meets monthly for about ninety minutes. Committee members often confer with one another throughout the month around responding to consultation inquiries as well as working on other educational projects. The total time commitment for members averages approximately five hours per month. The Ethics Committee is not affiliated with the Colorado State Board of Psychologist Examiners. The ethics line is changed each month and can be found by calling CPA at 303-692-9303.
Finance Chair: Monica Corrado, PsyD CPA’s Finance Committee oversees the financial planning and management of the organization by ensuring that all fiscal aspects of operations are in order. The Finance Committee is responsible for annual budgeting and financial planning and provides financial reporting to the board of directors on a monthly basis. In addition, the Finance Committee is involved in setting long-term financial goals that support CPA’s mission, values, and strategic goals. The Finance Committee works closely with CPA’s Executive Committee and is responsible to the board of directors and CPA members. The CPA Treasurer serves as the chair of the Finance Committee.
Legislative Chair: Julie Jacobs, PsyD, J.D. CPA's Legislative Committee serves as the lead for CPA's legislative and policy monitoring and decision-making. Working in concert with CPA's Board and Lobbyist (Jeannie Vanderburg of the Capstone Group), the CPA Legislative Chair is the point person for the Association regarding pertinent legislative issues as they impact the profession of psychology and CPA's membership.
Committee members develop relationships with legislators and work to educate them about the profession of psychology. The Committee also monitors pending legislation and regulations that impact our practice, directly or indirectly, and when appropriate, facilitates the introduction of legislation that will advance our profession.
Anyone who is interested in policy, law, and regulation as it relates to psychology is welcome to assist in the work of the Legislative Committee – please feel free to reach out with questions or offers to help.
Membership Chair: Michelle Dawson, PsyD CPA's Membership Committee reviews membership applications/requests and provides approval or denial of each applicant's membership request. The committee works closely with the management team to follow up with applicants when more information is needed for the approval process. When deemed necessary, the Membership Committee sends the Board of Directors and Ethics Committee applications that need to be further reviewed for a final decision on membership with CPA.
Nominations Chair: TBD
The Nominations Committee is a standing committee of the Colorado Psychological Association. The position of Chair of the Nominations Committee is fulfilled by the immediate Past President of the Association. Any CPA member in good standing is eligible to be a member of the committee. Committee members with prior Officer or Board service in CPA, or active committee participation are preferred. Committee members will preferably be drawn from geographical areas around the state and engage in areas of practice broadly representative of psychological practice. The purpose of the Nominations Committee is as follows:
Policy and Procedures Chair: Jin Lee, PsyD, MSCP, BCB
The CPA policy and procedure committee ensures the accuracy and comprehensiveness of CPA’s policies and procedures.
Political Action Committee Chair: Brian Beaumund, PsyD The Political Action Committee (PAC) exists to collect and contribute funds in support of political campaigns that advance the interests of psychologists and mental health in Colorado. The PAC is administered in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws by the CPA Executive Director, under the direction of the Board and the President. The Chair of the PAC is the Past-President of the CPA. The PAC is comprised of the following members, CPA President, CPA President-Elect, CPA Legislative Chair, CPA Treasurer and other CPA Board Members as the President and Board of Directors deem appropriate. The PAC holds quarterly meetings.
Programming Chair: Denise Vargas, PsyD The programming committee leads all programming efforts for the Colorado Psychological Association. Programming aims to develop and host meaningful events to provide CPA members pertinent education opportunities, develop and maintain strong professional networks, and create social opportunities for all members. Programming activities are aimed to meet the needs of all CPA members, from students, to early career psychologists, to veterans, and those after their working years. Volunteer to Serve on a CPA Committee Here |