It's Not Too Late to Register for Friday's Risk Management Virtual Workshop -- 

Navigating Challenging Conversations: Ethics and Risk Management 
July 28, 2023; 8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.  |  6 CEs


The Trust Risk Management Consultants have culled subject matter from some 110,000 consultations provided to date to focus this workshop on problems practitioners often encounter. The overarching theme of Workshop 12 is on the ethics and risk management of navigating various types of challenging conversations that arise in professional practice. Specifically, topics will include: the possibly impaired or unethical colleague; race and microaggressions; record keeping and the Information Blocking Rule; mandated child abuse reporting; multiple relationships and conflicts of interest in collateral versus conjoint services; managing risks of cross-jurisdictional telepsychology; and the ethics and risk management of responding to patients/clients who engage in stalking, threatening, or harassing behaviors.

CPA Members: $185
Non-members: $245
Student CPA members: $75

Dan O. Taube, PhD, JD.


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